ACCA Now September/October 2020
N ational media political analysts tend to concen- trate on the key Great Lakes swing states of Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin when discussing the presidential election because some combination of them will build the final leg of a winning coalition, but there are five other states that are arguably even more important. President Trump has a core of states from his 2016 winning coalition that he must keep in his column. These five, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas, are the founda- tion because they include swing states and others that are traditionally Republican but moving to the political center in recent elections and polling. Together, they are the national indica- tor because securing all five allows Mr. Trump to win the national election by carrying just one of the swing Great Lakes states. Conversely, if former Vice President Joe Biden can convert any one of the critical five southern tier states, he will almost assuredly clinch the Presidency. Arizona, Georgia, and Texas are the historically Republican domains that are nowmoving toward the ideological center, and thus no longer sure wins for the GOP nominee. Of these three, President Trump is best positioned in Texas, with Arizona being most diffi- cult. Georgia, in polling, is performing as a swing state, which is still probably good news for President Trump since Republicans typically under-poll in the South by at least a couple of percentage points. North Carolina and Florida are the traditional swing states that candi- dates from either party can win.
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